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Strange birds

A mammal that lays eggs and is poisonous. It sounds like a fantasy and yet they really exist! I'm talking about platypuses. Perhaps the goofiest animals I have ever seen! When I was in Australia, I got to release one from a shelter. What an honor!

At large

With the beak of a duck, the body of an otter and the tail of a beaver, it looks like someone cobbled together these extraordinary animals! But when I release the floundering platypus in my hands into the water, it is immediately clear that he belongs here! Without looking back, he deftly scurries away. Bye, little buddy! Put him up!

''Platypuses do not have nipples. The young therefore lick the milk off their mother's skin.''


Did you know that platypuses are one of the few poisonous mammals? Or well, the males that is. Those have a poisonous spine on their hind legs. They use these to fight each other during mating season. But don't worry, platypus venom is not deadly to humans. It just hurts extremely badly.

''The beak of a platypus is super sensitive and a lot softer than that of birds. They use it to detect small animals in the mud.''

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